
[Raffle draw prize No. 1]

Restaurant (Lunch) Vouchers ($50 value x 2)
by Ebisu Design or http://www.ebisudesign.com/

三重県出身で、オーストラリアに25年住んでいるため、東北の震災様子を身近に感じられず毎年申し訳ない思いでいました。今回のイベントで 初めて何かを出来る機会いただき、大変光栄です。メルボルンの情熱があちらの方々につたわりますように(荒木美帆)。

I have lived in Australia for past 25 years, so I cannot necessarily feel that I know what's going on in the affected region and I have been feeling sorry about that every year. This time, I am very happy to contribute something for that cause. Wish our pray would reach to the people in the Tohoku region (by the owner of Ebisu Design: Miho Leitch)
To enter raffle draw, please go to http://www.trybooking.com/KCJN

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