Japanese performers in Melbourne prsent
Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami "Five Years on" Benefit concert " Flowers will bloom"
@Library at the Dock
107 Victoria Harbour Promenade, Docklands
"Ticket prices*
Full: $25
Child aged btw 6-12 y/o: $15
Child aged under 5: Free (a seat to be shared with parents)
(only limited seats available)
"Donations with on-line raffle tickets"
"Event start time"
Venue open 18:30 / Start 19:00
A.YA, Ichimadin, Yumi Umiumare, Yukari Echo, Noriko Tadano,
Brandon Lee, Wadaiko Rindo and more
*Description of the event*
It is now five years since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that caused widespread damage and destruction to the Tohoku region. Even now, many of the survivors are still experiencing hardship as they work to rebuild their lives and communities. Although we may be far away here in Melbourne, we want to help make life better for those affected by the disaster.
The funds raised through the event and donations will procceed to the NGO organisation based in Melbourne, 'Japan-Australia Junior Project'. The project started in 2012 and it offers 5-6 junior high school students from Iwate prefecture to come and experience Australian life for 10 days or so with hope that those young people to connect with Australian safe environment while they are staying to learn language and culture, also to foster friendship with local students in Melbourne.
未曾有の被害をもたらした東日本大震災から、まもなく5 年を迎えようとしています。が、今もなお、被災地では復 興、再生への長い道のりを必死で歩んでいる方が大勢いら っしゃいます。5年目を迎える今年、復興への願いをつな ぐため、メルボルン在住の有志が集い、“花は咲く”をテ ーマに、音楽やダンスパフォーマンス、また、書道、クラ フトアート等の展示、販売を含むチャリティーコンサート を実施することに致しました。
今回集められる収益金は、毎年被災地岩手県の中学生らを メルボルンに招待し、当地で多くのことを学び、その体験 を通して復興に役立てて欲しいと願う「日豪ジュニアプロ ジェクト(メルボルン代表:秋元みどり氏)」へ全額寄付 することに致しました。メルボルン発、復興支援の願いが 、被災地の皆さんへ届くことを心から願っています。
*Funds raised by the event*
All proceeds donated to The Nichingo Junior Project.
http:// www.nichigo-junior.com.au/
Full: $25
Child aged btw 6-12 y/o: $15
Child aged under 5: Free (a seat to be shared with parents)
(only limited seats available)
"Donations with on-line raffle tickets"
"Event start time"
Venue open 18:30 / Start 19:00
A.YA, Ichimadin, Yumi Umiumare, Yukari Echo, Noriko Tadano,
Brandon Lee, Wadaiko Rindo and more
*Description of the event*
It is now five years since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that caused widespread damage and destruction to the Tohoku region. Even now, many of the survivors are still experiencing hardship as they work to rebuild their lives and communities. Although we may be far away here in Melbourne, we want to help make life better for those affected by the disaster.
The funds raised through the event and donations will procceed to the NGO organisation based in Melbourne, 'Japan-Australia Junior Project'. The project started in 2012 and it offers 5-6 junior high school students from Iwate prefecture to come and experience Australian life for 10 days or so with hope that those young people to connect with Australian safe environment while they are staying to learn language and culture, also to foster friendship with local students in Melbourne.
*Funds raised by the event*
All proceeds donated to The Nichingo Junior Project.
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